Welcome to Comet Bay Primary School’s P&C!
Who are we?
The P&C Association is a group that is open to all parents and affiliated citizens of our primary school. We consist of various people from diverse backgrounds who all share one thing in common; we want to give a little of our time to help Comet Bay Primary School be the best that it can be – for our children. We know how important the relationship between the school and the community is in ensuring that our children receive the best possible care. In short, this collaboration is essential in order to enable the children to reach their full potential.
Our members help out in many ways, from Office Bearers and Committee Members who are involved on a daily basis within the school, to parents who work full time or have very young children and still find the time to help out at Kiss ‘n’ Drive, volunteer for a shift at the canteen, or simply lend a hand at the odd Sausage Sizzle or Busy Bee. To all of these people we remain eternally grateful – without your dedication we would not be able to raise the vital funds which we need to provide the school with much needed resources.
What do we do?
Possibly more than you realise! The P&C runs the School Canteen, the Uniform Shop, Kiss ‘n’ Drive and organises many fundraising activities to raise vital money to supplement Government funding.
By doing this we raise the quality and quantity of resources that are available in order to aid the education of our children – did you know, for example, that the P&C has made valuable contributions in order to provide nature playgrounds to our school and our bookfairs and bookclub help fund new books for our library.
Funds are raised through a variety of activities: Discos, Colour Run, Raffles and Cool Our School to name but a few!
P & C Roles
- PRESIDENT – The P&C President has the fundamental role of providing leadership to the parent community which includes having an awareness of parental concerns and expectations and being an active participant in the school’s planning and priority setting. The role involves overseeing sub-committees who run the canteen, uniform shop and fundraising. Responsibilities: Responsible for formulating the annual objectives for the P&C and delegating duties in order to achieve this plan. Chairs Executive, Convenor & P&C meetings, represents P&C in regular meetings with the School Principal. May also represent the P&C by attending Regional P&C Association meetings. This role does involve a degree of flexibility in hours and would be ideally suited to a parent who wants to take an active interest in the education of children and help their local community. The position would be ideal for a parent who is not currently working, works flexible or part-time hours, or studies part-time. Currently Angela Penberthy
- VICE – PRESIDENT – The role of the vice president is to support the president and other committee members as well. P&C Responsibilities are generally split by sub-committees, with a vice president overseeing the smooth running of these subcommittees. Responsibilities:Support the president and other committee members. This includes taking an active role in assisting with any events being organised by one of the sub-committees, being prepared to take on independent projects as required from time-to-time. Attend the P&C & Executive & Convenor meetings and assist with issues arising. Be prepared to take minutes in the absence of the secretary. You may be called upon to act temporarily as President should the P&C President be absent. This role would suit someone working full or part-time but you will need to be able to commit a few hours per week. Currently Nora Ahokas
- P&C SECRETARY –The Secretary is the principal administrative officer of the Association. They contribute significantly to the smooth running of the P&C, and to maintaining transparent communications within the school community (through accurate minutes etc). Typical duties: Takes minutes, distributes and displays minutes. Keeps a continual record of the business of the P&C by maintaining the Minutes book. Writes letters as needed. Collects, reviews and distributes incoming mail. Attends executive and P&C meetings; must be willing to receive queries from school community and direct appropriately. May also produce flyers as required for social/fundraising events. Currently Lani Turner
- P&C TREASURER –This is a key role of the P&C team. The P&C raises, manages and invests into the school (and employees) a substantial amount of money each year. The Treasurer manages the planning and tracking of the financial results of the P&C, ensuring the P&C is complying with Australian Accounting standards. A reasonable standard of maths and knowledge of Excel is ideal for this role. Someone with Bookkeeping skills would be ideal. Responsibilities/Tasks: Maintains financial records using software provided by the P&C. Prepares monthly reports. Responsible for payment of salary & other employer costs. Oversees payment of P&C accounts and invoices (joint signatory, along with President and Vice); checks bank reconciliations at month-end & throughout the year. Presents reports at executive and P&C meetings. Prepares books and accounts for audit as required; maintains P&C insurances. Provides review of financial results; reviews the annual sub-committee reports for consistency (i.e. Canteen, Uniform Shop and Fundraising). This position is mainly done at home but you will need to be available during school hours at least once per week. Currently Leesa Darby
- EXECUTIVE MEMBERS X 3 – Responsible for ensuring that all P&C decisions are acted on and to support the rest of the exec. committee as noted above. Required to attend occasional extra meetings on top of the monthly P&C meetings. Currently James McRae, Alisha Joynes, Kate August
Please find below some links detailing some of the roles within the P & C
Can you help?
Yes! Think you don’t have the time? You would be surprised. We are always looking for new members and volunteers to help out. You tell us what you would like to do and how often and we arrange it – simple as that! Did you know for example, that volunteering for one Kiss ‘n’ Drive shift takes as little as 25 minutes? It’s really not much to give in order to ensure the safety of our children at the beginning or end of the day; or that if every parent volunteered for ONE shift in the canteen that we would have enough volunteers for a whole YEAR? Every little effort can really make a big difference. Volunteering is also an amazing way to get networking and make new friends if you are new to the school community or Secret Harbour, as well as to simply become more involved in the day to day running of our fantastic school.
How do I get involved?
We meet on the second Tuesday of every month at 6.30p.m. in the Staff Room. Why not come along? You’ll get to find out what’s going on in the school, decide if you would like to do anything to help, as well as have a coffee and even get to make friends with likeminded people. Everyone is welcome and it would be great to see as many of you as possible. We have been thrilled with the turn out recently so please come along, grab a coffee and find out the latest news at the school .
If you can’t make the meeting simply get in touch with any of the committee members below and they’ll let you know what’s involved in your area of interest ie. Canteen, Uniform Shop. All of us are volunteers and we’ll be really pleased to hear from you!
Angela Penberthy | President | cometbaypspc1@gmail.com | |
Nora Ahokas | Vice President | cometbaypspc1@gmail.com | |
Lani Turner | Secretary | cometbaypspc1@gmail.com | |
Leesa Darby | Treasurer | cometbaypspc1@gmail.com | |
James McRae | Executive Member | ||
Alisha Joynes | Executive Member | ||
Kate August | Executive Member | ||
Rachel Fiorini | Bookclub / Bookfair | ||
Leesa Darby | Canteen Liason & Facebook | ||
Liz Taylor | Canteen Supervisor | ||
Amy Lundy | Canteen Assistant | ||
Tegan Butler | Uniform Shop Supervisor | ||
Lani Turner | School Liason & Disco Coordinator | ||
Angela Penbury | Colour Run Coordinator & Facebook | ||
Leatitia Vermaak | Kiss & Drive Coordinator |
Upcoming Events:
Term 1 Events:
P&C Meeting 19th March 2024
If you have a great idea we would love to hear it, come along to our next P&C meeting.
P&C Facebook
For current updates from our p&c please follow us on facebook:
Where to go for more information about your P&C.
For more information about P&C Committees go to www.wacsso.wa.edu.au – The Western Australian Council of State School Organisations Incorporated (WACSSO) web site.
Please also take the time to read our constitution & rules 2020
Agenda / Minutes
The next P&C Meeting will be held on Tuesday 4th June at 6.30. All Welcome
Comet Bay PC Minutes 27.11.2024
Comet Bay PC Minutes 03.09.2024
Comet Bay PC Minutes 04.06.2024
Comet Bay PC Minutes 23.04.2024
Comet Bay P&C Minutes 06.02.2024
Comet Bay PC Executive Minutes 21.02.2024
Comet Bay P&C Agenda 19.03.2024