Welcome to Comet Bay Primary School’s Football Tipping Competition Page.
The CBPS AFL Tipping Competition is now open for registration for the 2020 AFL season.
The entry fee is $50 per person, which will go towards Canberra fundraising and tipping prizes.
See this flyer for more info: 2020 Footy Tipping Competition
To sign up, you need to visit this football tipping page and register your details http://www.footytips.com.au/comps/CometBayPS
If you already have an account then you are good to go, you will just need to join this year’s comp. If not, then you will need to register your details.
Once you have signed up, we need to collect your $50 fee. By clicking on the ‘Pay Now’ button below, you will be taken to a secure site (through PayPal) where you can pay using your credit card details. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries, just click on the ‘Continue” button on the left side of that web page and you can without a PayPal account. Easy.
Prizes – End of season prize estimates include:
Overall winners:
- First Prize:$250
- Second Prize: $175
- Third Prize: $100
- Fourth Prize: $50
- Wooden Spoon Award
Additional winners:
- End of first half of season winners: $100 – First, $75 – Second, $50 – Third and $25 – Fourth
- Most correct tips per week winner: $15
Please note that prize money may change depending on how many tippers join the competition. Prize money will be revised pending numbers of participants.
This tipping competition is open to the public, so feel free to ask family and friends to join up.
We thank you for supporting Comet Bay Primary School P&C Association, and joining our Football Tipping Competition. We wish all tippers a great season, and look forward to seeing who wins!!